Sea of Rage. Episode 2: The Port of Barbate

Dec 10, 2024 - 21:46
Sea of Rage
Walking the streets of Barbate is not enough to grasp why drug trafficking affects this small town in South-Western Spain. In this episode, the team of reporters behind Sea of Rage visit the port of Barbate, where everything - the smuggling - happens.
Sea of Rage is a reportage podcast dealing with the borderless narco-trafficking business as seen from the perspective of ordinary people who live in two towns in Southern Europe: Barbate (Andalusìa, Spain) and Gioia Tauro (Calabria, Italy). Over the past few decades, Barbate and Gioia Tauro have become entry points for hashish and cocaine into Europe. But why have these towns become such pivotal places for drug trafficking? And what does it mean to live, day in day out, next door to such dark and murky businesses?
Sea of Rage is an adaptation of the homonymous co-production between Podium Podcast and Chora Media, released in September 2024 under the Spanish and Italian language titles Mar de rabia (Spanish, Podium Podcast) and Mare di rabbia (Italian, Chora Media). This podcast was co-produced by Europod.
Sea of Rage is part of WePod, a collaborative project financed by the Creative Europe program of the European Commission.
Art direction: Alexander Damiano Ricci
Reporting on the ground and interview collection: Manu Tomillo (Podium Podcast), Javi Caminero (Podium Podcast) and Francesca Berardi (Chora Media)
Original sound design: Elizabeth Bua
Adaptation of scripts in English: Alexander Damiano Ricci
Sound editing: Jeremy Boquet, Daniel Gutierrez Ortega and Alexander Damiano Ricci
Original sound theme: Luca Micheli (Chora Media)
Cover artwork: Watermelon collective, based on original artwork by Agencia Player and Giulia Mangano (Chora Media)
Executive producer: Ana Ribera (Podium Podcast)
Project Manager: Henar Leòn (Podium Podcast)
Coordination of editorial work and production: Alexander Damiano Ricci.
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Sea of Rage is a reportage podcast dealing with the borderless narco-trafficking business as seen from the perspective of ordinary people who live in two towns in Southern Europe: Barbate (Andalusìa, Spain) and Gioia Tauro (Calabria, Italy). Over the past few decades, Barbate and Gioia Tauro have become entry points for hashish and cocaine into Europe. But why have these towns become such pivotal places for drug trafficking? And what does it mean to live, day in day out, next door to such dark and murky businesses?
Sea of Rage is an adaptation of the homonymous co-production between Podium Podcast and Chora Media, released in September 2024 under the Spanish and Italian language titles 'Mar de Rabia' (Spanish, Podium Podcast) and 'Mare di Rabbia' (Italian, Chora Media).
This podcast was co-produced by Europod.
Sea of Rage is part of WePod, a collaborative project financed by the Creative Europe program of the European Commission.
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Esta coproducción está financiada por la Unión Europea. No obstante, las opiniones y puntos de vista expresados son responsabilidad exclusiva del autor o autores y no reflejan necesariamente los de la Unión Europea. Ni la Unión Europea ni la autoridad que concede la subvención pueden ser consideradas responsables de las mismas.
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