Episode 1: A life on the road

Feb 6, 2025 - 32:53
Truck Drivers
In Europe, there is a shortage of around 230,000 truck drivers, but by 2028 there will be as many as 745,000 vacancies. Excessive working hours, inadequate wages and long periods away from home are the main causes of this shortage of truck drivers, but the issue is much more complex. In order to understand why this great labour gap exists and what it could mean for our societies and personal lives, we travelled by truck between Spain, France and Germany. Our journey begins with this first instalment.
Truck Drivers is a podcast co-produced by Europod and SER Podcast. This podcast is part of WePod, a collaborative project funded by the Creative Europe program of the European Commission.
Hosting and Narration: Alexander Damiano Ricci
Field reporting and research: Manu Tomillo and Futura D'Aprile
Editor-in-chief of the French and English version: Alexander Damiano Ricci
Sound design and editing: Jeremy Boquet
Original visual design by: Agencia Player
Visual adaptation for the French version by: Watermelon Collective
Producer: Futura D’Aprile
Executive producer: Ana Ribera
Production coordinator: Alexander Damiano Ricci
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